Please click on name to view biography and photo.
Dr Eduardo Delgado Assad (Plenary 2: World experts)
EMBRAPA, National Agricultural Research Agency, Brazil

He has been with EMBRAPA (the National Agricultural Research Agency) in Brazil for more than 25 years. Wokring closely with the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) he has provided expert analysius of NOAA satellite data, and implemented an integrated GIS and Image Processing system (SPRING).
He has been the chief general of EMBRAPA Agricultural Information Technology for more than 17 years, and is currently responsible for the Laboratory of Environmental Modeling, which employs 20 people, including researchers fellows and interns. He created the laboratory of biophysics environment, with significant scientific support of INPE.
Dr Peter Coppin (Plenary 3: World experts)
CSIRO, Australia

After completing a post-doctoral fellowship in wind energy at the University of Hannover, Germany, he was appointed as a research scientist at CSIRO in 1980.
He was Director of the CSIRO Wind Energy Research Unit until 2009 and is currently Leader of the Storage for Renewables Stream at the Energy Transformed Flagship.
His research interests include boundary-layer meteorology, wind energy and renewable energy storage.
Mr Tim George (Plenary 4: World experts)
Executive General Manager, Planning - Australian Energy Market Operator

Prof V.V.N. Kishore (Plenary 2: World experts)
Center for Energy and Environment — TERI University, New Delhi

His current activities include study of distributed power generation systems, high performance biomass cook stoves, high rate biomethanation, lignocellulosic ethanol, passive building design and solar thermal systems. He has eight books, 160 publications in journals/conference proceedings, numerous reports, 30 products/end-use packages, and eight patents to his credit.
He was a visiting fellow at Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA and a consultant for the World Bank and for Winrock International, Washington. He is also a Visiting Professor at the UK Open University, where he has collaboration for running a PG Diploma in renewable energy through distance learning. He is currently the program Director for the National Renewable Energy Fellowship (NREF) program of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).
Mr Keith Parks (Plenary 5: World experts)
Xcel Energy Services, Inc., USA

Xcel Energy, Inc. large power utility company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It provides electricity and natural gas over a very large geographical area including the states of:
- Colorado,
- Michigan,
- Minnesota,
- New Mexico,
- North Dakota,
- South Dakota,
- Texas, and
- Wisconsin.
Dr David Renné (Plenary 3: World experts)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA)

He is the principal project leader for analysis at the US Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) where he develops and manages programs on renewable energy resource assessment and analysis. He also manages DOE's Solar Resource Assessment activities funded under the Solar Energy Technologies Program. Some of his recent work at NREL has been for international organizations such as the US Agency for International Development and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In these programs, he has managed solar and wind energy resource assessments and the development of GIS (Geographical Information Systems) tools for countries in Asia, Central America, South America and Africa.
In addition to his role at NREL David is the current president of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES).
For further information, please contact: Ms Aurélie Favennec, ICEM 2011 Secretariat
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